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This paper shows evidence that political booms, defined as the rise in governments’ popularity, are associated with a higher likelihood of currency crises. The reasoning behind this finding is that prudent economic policies to address underlying weaknesses in the economy may be political costly for incumbent governments in the short-term. Hence, popularity-concerned governments may not have enough incentives to take such corrective actions in a timely manner. This approach, in turn, can deteriorate economic fundamentals and increase related risks in the economy which can eventually lead to crises. This paper sheds light on this phenomenon in the case of currency crises, suggesting that currency crises can be viewed as “political booms gone bust” events. Moreover, it finds that higher international reserves, higher exports, and a higher degree of financial openness alleviate the effect of political booms on currency crises.  相似文献   
企业创新是国家经济可持续增长的关键,受到管理层意愿的影响,因而需要对内部经营者的权力进行制衡。以2010-2018年我国A股上市公司为研究样本,实证检验管理层权力制衡强度对企业创新投资的影响,以及不同债务约束情境下高商业信用配置、高负债水平的调节效应,此外,还考察了产权性质的差异化影响。研究表明,管理层权力制衡强度越大,企业创新投资水平越高;高商业信用强化了该促进作用,而高负债水平弱化了该促进作用。进一步研究发现,管理层权力制衡强度与企业创新投资的关系在民企中更显著;国企能够更好地获得和运用商业信用,使其高商业信用对该关系的强化效应更显著;民企具有更强的债务约束,其高负债水平对该关系的弱化效应更明显。  相似文献   
Social media emerged as a primary source of information among young users, but its severe effect on mental state due to information overload, still an area of concern for the researchers. Generation Z users' addiction to the mobile phone/gadgets is increasing with a rise in social media and consequently their behavioral outcomes have transformed completely. Nowadays behavioral issues including stress, fatigue, ‘fear of missing out’ and ‘phubbing’, anxiety etc. rising each day but the relationship among these issues and information overload is less examined. The social media users are unable to filter the trustworthy information due to its enormous size and thus role of information support from government becomes essential. The current study extends the S-O-R theory exploring relationship between the stimulus of enormous information on the responses generated among the Generation Z such as social media fatigue, ‘fear of missing out’, ‘phubbing’ and anxiety. The findings from a sample of 319 users belonging to Generation Z suggest that social media platforms need to understand user's compulsive usage that is resulting into fatigue and consequently anxiety. The role of government information support on reducing fatigue and anxiety is found to be positive. The relationship between ‘fear of missing out’, ‘phubbing’ and anxiety is found significant and shows presence of partial mediation. The study offers significant theoretical and practical implications. It is significant for the service providers and social media platforms to advance interfaces with minimum fatigue for the users and offers information support to the users to reduce stress caused by information load.  相似文献   
Applying behavioural economic theory, we argue that the frequency of philanthropic activity is important in determining corporate philanthropy's economic outcome. Using Chinese data from 2003 to 2016, we find that firms with more frequent philanthropic activities obtain more government subsidies than firms that only engage in one-off charitable donations. Firms with better corporate governance, such as higher management ownership and more independent directors, are more likely to adopt a strategy of frequent donation. Furthermore, firms are more likely to be frequent donors when management or local government officers have a long tenure. Our findings provide insight into the giving process and suggest that firms can maximize the benefit of corporate philanthropy if they strategically consider the donation frequency and donation amount simultaneously.  相似文献   
Funding for infrastructure projects recently shows that debt has a portion more than equity, triggering public debates. Therefore, leverage as an instrument to measure the ability and willingness of project sponsors to fund becomes the utmost importance to discuss. Relating to leverage, risk and government participation are two main factors that can explain the choice of funding decisions by the project sponsors. For this reason, this study would analyze the effect of risk and government participation on leverage through the two main sectors of infrastructure projects, namely the transportation sector and the energy sector, and derivating risk to political risk and financial risk. The objects of research were 976 infrastructure projects listed in the Asian Development Bank during 2007−2016. We use censored regression to examine the model by infrastructure sectors, both as individual and through interaction effects. The analysis showed that overall, leverage of infrastructure projects was rather influenced by financial risk than by political risk. However, the leverage of infrastructure projects in the transportation sector was more vulnerable to risk than that in other sectors.  相似文献   
政府补贴能否促进企业创新一直存在争议。与以往从资源视角探讨政府补贴与企业创新关系的研究不同,基于信号理论视角,以2012—2016年沪深A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,通过剔除非研发补贴的噪音并控制样本自选择偏误,实证检验中国转型经济背景下,政府研发补贴对企业创新的微观政策效应,以及企业层面制度因素(产权性质)和区域层面制度因素(制度环境)对该效应的调节作用。研究发现,政府研发补贴释放的积极信号能够帮助企业获取外部创新资源,有效促进企业创新;相比于国有企业,政府研发补贴对非国有企业创新的激励效应更强;制度环境越好,政府研发补贴对企业创新的激励效应越强。研究理论丰富了科技创新政策有效性和信号理论相关研究。同时,研究发现,政府应继续加大对企业创新活动的补贴额度,不断深化所有制改革,为企业创新营造良好的外部制度环境;另外,企业还应充分发挥政府研发补贴信号的杠杆效应,拓宽外部创新资源获取渠道。  相似文献   
文章基于制度逻辑视角,以浙江省746家众创空间为样本,分析了政府、高校、民营企业三类主体设立的众创空间和创业服务行为选择的关系。研究发现:(1)制度逻辑对众创空间的创业服务行为选择具有塑造作用,持有行政逻辑的政府型众创空间会将时间更多的分配给办公场所服务,而持有专业逻辑的高校型和持有公司逻辑的民企型众创空间,则分别会将时间更多的分配给培训咨询服务和投融资服务。上述发现在替换了其它两种因变量测量指标后依然成立。(2)国家级认证会使民企型众创空间显著减少在投融资服务上的时间分配比重,而显著增加在办公场所服务和培训咨询服务上的时间分配比重,这种调节效应在另外两类众创空间中并不显著,在替换了省级认证后结果依然成立。这表明,相较于公司逻辑,政府逻辑和专业逻辑更具稳定性,更不易受高阶制度因素的影响和干扰。文章拓展了制度逻辑和众创空间创业服务行为关系的理论认识,为创业者的众创空间入驻决策以及政府针对众创空间的政策制定提供了实践启示。  相似文献   
王信  张翼  魏磊 《金融研究》2021,488(2):133-152
庚子赔款是中国近代史上最大一笔赔款,也是以长期债务形式体现的赔款。本文对庚子赔款的债务化偿付安排、利率水平、支付流程及经济影响等进行比较分析。发现:(1)庚子赔款本金4.5亿两,是清政府 1903 年财政收入的 4.33倍,但通过债务化偿付,每年支付赔款占财政收入比重逐步下降;(2)按购买力折算,庚子赔款本金约占1900年中国GDP的2.1%;(3)与当时主要国家长期债务利率相比,庚子赔款4%的利率属于中等水平;(4)将庚子赔款与德国“一战”赔款进行比较,发现赔款本金和占经济总量比重,中国低于德国,但中国每年支付赔款的财政压力高于德国;(5)庚子赔款偿付对近代中国的财税金融产生深刻影响,外籍海关税务司借机成为独立于中国政府的“第二财政”,外商银行藉此强化其“隐性中央银行” 地位,赔款还催生了货币流通的“新周期” 和“新危机”。总体上,赔款的债务化偿付安排不仅受政治外交形势主导,也与金融机构特别是银行跨国经营存在密切联系。赔款的经济影响不仅取决于偿付总量,也取决于经济治理能力和财税金融制度。国家财税金融制度落后,则受到冲击较大。  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of bank-specific factors and variations in the context of stringency of government policy responses on bank stock returns because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 1,927 publicly listed banks from 110 countries is used for the period of the first major wave of COVID-19, that is, January to May 2020. Our findings indicate that stock returns of banks with higher capitalization and deposits, more diversification, lower non-performing loans, and larger size are more resilient to the pandemic. While banks’ environment and governance scores do not have a significant impact, higher social and corporate social responsibility strategy scores intensify the negative stock price reaction to COVID-19. We further observe that the pandemic-induced reduction in bank stock prices is mitigated as the strictness of government policy responses increases, mainly through economic responses such as income support, debt and contract relief, and fiscal measures from governments.  相似文献   
在混合所有制改革和创新驱动发展战略实施背景下,国有资本“举牌”民营企业对企业创新体系的作用机制亟待研究。基于2008-2018年上市家族企业数据,从创新投入和创新产出两个视角探讨国有股权参股对家族企业创新效率的影响,根据股东资源理论分析可能的影响路径。通过Heckman两阶段模型实证发现:国有股权参股显著促进家族企业创新投入和创新产出,并最终对创新效率产生积极影响,而获取政府补贴和提升创新管理能力是两条中介路径。该结论揭示了混合所有制改革在激发民营企业创新活力中所发挥的重要作用和影响机制,为家族企业提高创新效率提供了新方向。  相似文献   
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